DFSJVMMS member of the IMS PROCLIB data set

You can use the DFSJVMMS member of the IMS PROCLIB data set to specify JVM options for the standalone JVM for JBP regions.

When you use the //STDENV DD statement to define Java environment parameters and options, IMS ignores the DSFJVMMS member. Specify the Java configurations in the shell script that is referenced by the //STDENV DD statement when the statement is present.

This is a sample member that demonstrates how to specify JVM options for the standalone JVM for JBP regions.

To define the JVM options:
  1. Specify the -Xoptionsfile option to point to the UNIX System Services (USS) file system JVM properties file. The --Xoptionsfile option allows you to specify path names that are greater than 255 characters in length on the -Djava.class.path option.
  2. Specify the -Djava.class.path option in the options file to specify the application class path.
Alternatively, you can specify the following directly in the member:
  • -Djava.class.path=<application class path>

Specify the path name (or path names) of your Java™ application class files. If your .class files are contained in a .jar file, the path name to the .jar file must be fully qualified, including the name of the .jar file.

Comments are supported for this options member. The comments begin with an asterisk (*) in the first column.

Each line in the options file must not be longer than 72 bytes, including the continuation mark. Use a greater-than symbol (>) at the end of the line as a continuation character.

If you do not use the -Xoptionsfile JVM option, path strings can be a maximum of 255 bytes (any characters over 255 bytes are ignored). A path string can be one path name or several path names. If you are specifying multiple path names, separate each by a colon (:).

For information about how this member is specified in IMS procedures, see the JVMOPMAS=name parameter for procedures topic.


If your USS file system JVM options file is located at /u/USRID01/myjava/options, the -Xoptionsfile option would be set as follows:
The file located at /u/USRID01/myjava/options might contain the following content:
Note that a backslash (\) is used at the end of the line as a continuation character.

You can also specify the JVM options directly in the DFSJVMMS member:

Note that a greater-than symbol (>) is used at the end of the line as a continuation character.