Defining DL/I call image trace
This topic describes control statements in the DFSVSMxx member that you use to specify a DL/I call image trace.
Control statements for defining DL/I call image trace
The DLITRACE statement invokes the tracing of DL/I calls in a batch environment. Specify the word DLITRACE in the first position to identify this statement. You can specify the parameters in any sequence, but you must separate them with commas; each parameter can be specified only once. If you do not specify any parameters, IMS uses the default values.
A DLITRACE statement cannot be continued on a subsequent statement. The first statement encountered in the DFSVSAMP data set establishes the options. Subsequent statements are bypassed, and message DFS2471 is issued. In cases where a parameter is repeated, the options remain set as specified by the first occurrence, and message DFS2471 is issued.
Related reading: For details on the use of DL/I trace, see IMS Version 15.4 Diagnosis.
Parameter descriptions for defining DL/I call image trace
- Indicates that sequential data set output is requested and gives the DD statement name (tracedd) to be present in the JCL. If you omit this parameter and do not supply output DD, DDNAME=DFSTROUT is assumed, and an attempt is made to route output to the sequential data set defined by DFSTROUT DD. However, if you omit this parameter and request log output, no attempt is made to open such a sequential data set.
- LOG=
- Specifies whether (YES) or not (NO) DL/I call image capture output is to be routed to the IMS system log. The default is NO, and a sequential output data set contains the trace output.
- Specifies whether (COMP) or not (NOCOMP) DL/I Test Program COMPARE statements are generated for
both PCB comparisons and data comparisons. The default is NOCOMP.
Related reading: For more information, see IMS Version 15.4 Application Programming.
- Specifies a one- to eight-character hexadecimal value representing a count of DL/I calls issued by an application program against a specific PSB. This value indicates at which point in the program processing tracing should begin. The default value of 0 begins the tracing at the first DL/I call.
- Specifies a one- to eight-character hexadecimal value representing a count of DL/I calls. This value indicates the point at which DL/I image capture tracing against a specific PSB should stop. The default value of X'7FFFFFFF' indicates that all the DL/I calls for the batch program are traced.