CSLRIxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set

Use the CSLRIxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set to specify parameters that initialize RM.

You can use the IMS Syntax Checker to modify this member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.


Some parameters within CSLRIxxx can be overridden with RM execution parameters.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramARMRST=YNCQSSSN=NAMEIMSPLEX(NAME= name,RSRCSTRUCTURE(STRNAME= name))RMNAME= rmmbrname
Execution parameters for the IMSRSC repository are specified within a section with the header <SECTION=REPOSITORY>. This section is included after the other CSLRIxxx parameters.


The CSLRIxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set consists of one or more fixed-length character records (the configuration data set can be of any LRECL greater than eight, but it must be fixed record format). The rightmost-eight columns are ignored but can be used for sequence numbers or any other notation. Keyword parameters can be coded in the remaining columns in free format, and can contain leading and trailing blanks. You can specify multiple keywords in each record; use commas or spaces to delimit keywords. Statements that begin with a * or # in column 1 are comment lines and are ignored. Additionally, comments can be included anywhere within a statement by enclosing them between /* and */, for example, /* PROCLIB comments */. Values coded in this member of the IMS PROCLIB data set are case sensitive. In general, you should use uppercase for all parameters.

A sample CSLRIxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set is shown in Sample CSLRIxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.

BPE considerations

Use the RM BPE user exit list member of the IMS PROCLIB data set to define RM user exits to BPE. This is the member of the IMS PROCLIB data set specified by the EXITMBR= parameter in the BPE configuration parameter member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.

Use the user exit list member of the IMS PROCLIB data set to specify the modules to be called for specific exit types. Each user exit type can have one or more exit modules associated with it. Use the EXITDEF statement to define the user exit modules to be called for a given exit type.

A sample RM user exit list member of the IMS PROCLIB data set is shown in Sample RM user exit member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.


Specifies whether the z/OS® Automatic Restart Manager (ARM) should be used to restart RM after an abend. Y (yes) specifies that ARM should be used. The RM address space is restarted by ARM after most system failures. N (no) specifies that ARM should not be used. RM is not restarted by ARM after any failures. For information about ARM, see The z/OS Automatic Restart Manager (ARM) in IMS Version 15.4 System Administration.
Specifies the one- to four-character subsystem name of the CQS. RM uses this name to connect to the proper CQS. When connecting RM to CQS, you must specify the same value on CQSSSN= and on the SSN= parameter of the CQSIPxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set for the target CQS. The parameter is optional, and no default exists. Both CQSSSN and RSRCSTRUCTURE must be specified together, or neither must be specified. CQSSSN and RSRCSTRUCTURE must be specified to use RM's global resource services.
Specifies definitions for an IMSplex managed by RM. IMSPLEX is a required parameter. There is no default. Only one IMSPLEX keyword can be specified. The IMSPLEX keyword must precede the left parenthesis. The IMSPLEX definition parameters follow:
Specifies a 1-5 character identifier that specifies the IMSplex group name. This defines the IMSplex to which the resource structure is defined. NAME is required and no default exists. RM concatenates this identifier to CSL to create the IMSplex group name. All OM, RM, SCI, IMS, and IMSplex members that are in the same IMSplex sharing group sharing either databases or message queues must specify the same identifier. The same identifier must also be used for the IMSPLEX= parameter in the CSLSIxxx, CSLOIxxx, and DFSCGxxx members of the IMS PROCLIB data set.
Specifies definitions for a resource structure managed by RM. This keyword construct is optional. RSRCSTRUCTURE must be specified to use RM's global resource services. Only one resource structure can be defined. The resource structure definitions must be enclosed within parentheses and separated by commas. The RSRCSTRUCTURE keyword must precede the left parenthesis.
Specifies the 1- to 16-character name of a resource structure that IMS connects to, which contains IMS resource information. If the RSRSTRUCTURE construct is specified, then STRNAME is required within the RSRCSTRUCTURE construct.
The installation must have defined the structure name in the CFRM administrative policy. The structure name must follow the naming rules as allowed by the CFRM. The structure name must be from 1- to 16-characters long. For names with less than 16 characters, CQS pads the name with blanks. The valid characters are A-Z, 0-9 and the following special characters:
 $ @ # _
Names must be uppercase and start with an alphabetic character. This resource structure must also be defined in the CQS global structure definition member of the IMS PROCLIB data set (CQSSGxxx) of the CQS in the same IMSplex sharing group. This resource structure must also be defined in the CFRM policy.

Restriction: Avoid using names that IBM® uses for its structures. Do not begin structure names with the letters A-I, or with the character string SYS. If you do name a structure beginning with the letters A-I or SYS, your name might conflict with an existing or future IBM-defined structure name.

Defines the IMSRSC repository parameters for RM initialization. It is specified within a section with the header <SECTION=REPOSITORY>.
Specifies the repository name that is managed by RM. This name must be same as the repository name defined to the Repository Server (RS) in the ADD REPOSITORY function. The repository name can be up to 44 characters long and can contain the alphanumeric characters (A–Z, 0 - 9) and the following symbols: period (.) at sign (@), number sign (#), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($).
Note: The alphabetic characters A–Z can be uppercase only.
A repository name of CATALOG cannot be specified, because it is reserved for use by the RS.
Specifies the repository type. The only valid value is IMSRSC.
Specifies the RS z/OS cross-system coupling facility group name. This value must be the same as the XCF group name specified on the XCF_GROUP_NAME parameter of the FRPCFG member of the IMS PROCLIB data set. RM and the RS must be in the same XCF group. The value must be 8 characters padded on the right with blanks. Valid characters are A-Z (uppercase only), 0 - 9, and the following symbols: number sign (#), dollar sign ($), and at sign (@).
An optional parameter. It is used if the RS is enabled with the audit log (AUDIT=YES is specified in the FRPCFG member of the IMS PROCLIB data set). If the RS is not enabled with the audit log, the AUDITACCESS value in RM is set to NOAUDIT.
AUDITACCESS specifies the audit access level for the specified repository. If this value is not specified, the audit access level defaults to the level of auditing set by the AUDIT_DEFAULT= parameter in the FRPCFG member of the IMS PROCLIB data set. The valid values for the AUDITACCESS= parameter are:
Use the rule specified in the AUDIT_DEFAULT parameter of the FRPCFG member.
No auditing of member access.
Audit security failures only.
Audit member access with update intent.
Audit member access with read or update intent.
Audit member access with system-level read, read, or update intent.
A read request from an authorized client before an update is identified as a system read request.
Under an audit access rule of READ, system read requests do not cause a read audit record to be generated.
Under an audit access rule of SYSTEMREAD, all read requests, including system read requests, are audited.
Specifies the name for the RM address space. This is an optional 1- to 6-character name. You must specify this parameter either as an execution parameter or in the CSLRIxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set. This name is used to create the RMID, which is used in RM processing. The 8-character RMID is the RMNAME followed by the characters RM. Trailing blanks in the RMNAME are deleted, and the RMID is padded with blanks. For example, if RMNAME=ABC then RMID=ABCRM .

Sample CSLRIxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set

* Sample RM Initialization PROCLIB member.                           *
ARMRST=Y,                      /* ARM should restart RM on failure  */
CQSSSN=CQS1,                   /* CQS to manage Resource Structure  */
  NAME=PLEX1,                  /* IMSplex name (CSLPLEX1)           */
    STRNAME=IMSRSRC01)),       /* RESOURCE STRUCTURE NAME           */
RMNAME=RM1                     /* RM Name (RMID = RM1RM)            */
* Repository Section                                                 *
* End of Member CSLRI000                                             *

Sample RM user exit member of the IMS PROCLIB data set

* RM USER EXIT LIST PROCLIB MEMBER                                 *

# WITH AN ABEND LIMIT OF 8.                                       #

# DEFINE 1 RM INIT/TERM USER EXIT: ZRINTM00                       #