Security specifications in OTMA message prefixes

Security specifications in the OTMA message prefix are in the security-data section. The security-data section is mandatory for every transaction or command and is optional for OTMA protocol commands.

The specifications you can make for security in an OTMA message prefix include:

  • The RACF® security levels to be used with this message, including:
    • FULL
    • CHECK
    • NONE
  • The user token
  • The user ID
  • The SAF profile
  • The network user ID
  • The network session ID

In the state data of a client-bid request, you can specify an accessor environment element (ACEE) aging interval. An ACEE aging interval represents the amount of time an ACEE can be used before being refreshed. If the aging interval has expired when an input message is received by OTMA, OTMA refreshes the ACEE before validating the message.