Message routing
The message-routing function of MSC supports several types of message routing.
The types of message routing supported by MSC include:
- Routing of transaction messages from a terminal in one IMS to an application program in
another IMS. The transaction
can be defined as recoverable, nonrecoverable, response mode, or conversational.Restriction: Fast Path transactions across an MSC link are not supported. However, Fast Path transactions within the local system are supported.
- Routing of message switches from an LTERM in one IMS to an LTERM in another IMS and message switches between LTERMs in the same IMS. This support includes messages sent with a /BROADCAST command.
- Routing of response messages from an application program to the terminal that sends the transaction, or messages from an application program to an alternate terminal. Routing messages to alternate remote terminals (the transaction and the LTERM are in different IMS systems) requires that the alternate LTERM be defined as a remote LTERM. If directed routing or the TM and MSC Message Routing and Control User Exit routine is used, the alternate LTERM does not need to be defined as remote.
- Program-to-program switches between transactions in different IMS systems or within the same IMS.