Flow of data within multiple systems

The flow of a transaction in an MSC network requires additional steps as compared to one IMS.

The general steps are illustrated in the figure below, and explained as follows:
  • In the local system, a remote transaction entered from an LTERM is placed on the message queue of the local system with the destination of the remote transaction name (1). (The message is queued to the MSNAME associated with the specified remote destination.)
  • MSC removes the message from the message queue (2), sends it across the MSC link (3), and places it on the message queue of the remote system (4).
  • The remote system sends the message from the message queue to the application program to be processed (5). After the application program processes the message, the program sends a reply.
  • The remote system places the reply message, with a destination of the output LTERM, on its message queue (6).
  • MSC removes the message from the message queue of the remote system (7) and sends it back across the MSC link (8).
  • MSC places the message on the message queue of the local system (9) and sends it to the output LTERM (10).
Figure 1. Remote transaction flow
Begin figure description: This figure was described in the preceding text. End description.