Partitioning sample application table

The parts used by the IVP sample partitioning application are identified in the following table.

These parts are all installed by the IVP.

Table 1. IVP sample partitioning application parts
Part name Language PSB MFS TRANCD DBD Compile and BIND JCL Description
DFSIVD1 assembler n/a n/a n/a DFSIVD1 n/a1 PHIDAM/OSAM database
DFSIVD1 assembler n/a n/a n/a DFSIVD1I n/a1 PHIDAM/OSAM Primary Index database
DFSIVA1 assembler DFSIVP1 DFSIVF1 IVTNO DFSIVD1 n/a1 Non-conv. MPP