SGNGENRC= parameter for procedures

Use the SGNGENRC= parameter to specify whether a generic return code is returned by IMS if RACF® is used to verify sign-ons to IMS from VTAM® terminals and the user ID or password provided is invalid. Valid values are N and Y. The default is N.


If RACF verification is used for sign-ons from VTAM terminals and the user ID or password provided is invalid, RACF or IMS return codes are returned in the DFS2467I or DFS3649A message .

This is the default value.


If RACF verification is used for sign-ons from VTAM terminals and the user ID or password provided is invalid, a generic return code, return code 500 ('user ID or password is invalid'), is returned in the DFS2467I or DFS3649A message instead of the actual RACF or IMS return code.

If you specify SGNGENRC=Y, ensure that both of the following requirements are met:
  • RACF is enabled for IMS.
  • The IRRSPW00 module, which is provided by RACF, is included in one of the following locations:
    • LPA
    • A library in LINKLIST