RCLASS=identifier parameter for procedures
Use the RCLASS=identifier parameter in procedure to specify a 1- to 7-character alphanumeric subsystem identifier for the RACF resource classes for this IMS subsystem. Use this parameter to uniquely identify the resource classes for this IMS subsystem in RACF.
RACF appends the subsystem identifier to a resource class identifier to create the full name of each IMS resource class in RACF. For example, if you specify RCLASS=IMS123, the name in RACF of the IMS transaction authorization resource class for this subsystem would be "TIMS123", because the resource class identifier for IMS transaction authorization is "T". And the name of the IMS command authorization resource class for this IMS subsystem would be "CIMS123".
Defining different subsystem identifiers can be useful for restricting access to resources in one subsystem, while allowing access to those same resources in another. For example, if a production subsystem has a subsystem identifier of IMSPROD and a test subsystem has a subsystem identifier of IMSTEST, an application programmer could then be authorized to TRAN01 in the TIMSTEST transaction authorization resource class, but not to TRAN01 in the TIMSPROD transaction authorization resource class.
The RCLASS= specification in the DFSPBxxx PROCLIB member overrides the RCLASS= specification in the DFSDCxxx PROCLIB member.
RACF uses "IMS" as the default subsystem identifier for IMS subsystems.