APPCSE= parameter for procedures

Use the APPCSE= parameter in procedures to specify the type of APPC RACF® security. Valid values are C, F, N, and P. The default is F.

The value that you specify for this keyword has an equivalent value you can specify in the /SECURE APPC command. The first character that you specify applies to the APPCSE keyword. The second character that you specify becomes the equivalent value for the /SECURE APPC command.

The /SECURE APPC command overrides the value that you specify in the APPCSE= keyword.
Specifies APPC RACF command and transaction security check.
Specifies APPC RACF command, transaction security check, and additional security for dependent regions. The default is F.
Specifies no APPC RACF security within IMS. (Specifying NONE does not affect APPC/MVS™ RACF security.)

The IMS security exits (DFSCTRN0 and DFSCCMD0) are still called if they are defined to the system.

Specifies the use of APPC transaction security in the TP profile or the default profile.