Nooption message control
When using the nooption message control option (by setting field IRM_F5 to X'00'), the client can receive all of the messages on the OTMA Asynchronous Queue.
Using the nooption message control option will force the following sequence of events to occur:
- Client issues CONNECT function.
- Following the CONNECT function, if the socket type is persistent socket, one or more transactions can be sent and the responses received before RESUME TPIPE call processing.
- If the socket type is transaction socket, then the RESUME TPIPE call processing must be issued after the CONNECT function.
- Client issues RESUME TPIPE call.
- Client issues RECEIVE function to receive the asynchronous output.
- Client sends ACK message to IMS Connect.
- Client repeats events three and four until event six occurs.
- IMS Connect disconnects the socket from the host end, unless the socket is persistent. If the socket is persistent, IMS Connect sends a timeout message and the socket remains connected, which allows the client to either disconnect or send another request.
- Client issues DISCONNECT function.
Using the nooption message control option, the client can always terminate by issuing a DISCONNECT function after sending an ACK to IMS Connect.
If the client responds with a NAK message rather than an ACK, the message that received the NAK response is put back on the OTMA asynchronous hold queue, and can be retrieved later. IMS Connect terminates the socket as described in event six above, unless the socket is persistent.