Gathering variables

Gathering variables involves changes to prepare the JCL and other materials that are necessary for further customization in the file-tailoring phase.

When you enter the variable gathering phase, the IVP panel displays the variables based on your selections in the initialization phase. These variables are later used by the file-tailoring phase to customize the IVP to your environment and to create members in the INSTALIB data set. You can import variables from an earlier iteration of the IVP dialog by using the IVP Variable Gathering Export and Import facilities.

To complete variable-gathering:


  1. Optional: Import variables from a previous IMS installation and verification with the IVP.
  2. In the IVP Phase Selection panel, select option 1 or option 2. Each selection within a phase provides a different positioning option and opens the Variable Gathering panel.
  3. In the Variable Gathering (LST mode) panel, review the displayed variables. Use the display modes and action commands to make appropriate updates. You can browse, display variable descriptions, or edit any of the members on this panel. You can scroll multiple pages of variables by pressing PF7 and PF8. However, you cannot search for a particular variable. Press End at any time to return the IVP Phase Selection panel and save your updates.
  4. When you are finished, press PF3 and then Enter to exit the phase.
The IVP Phase Selection panel displays and you can progress to the file-tailoring phase.