Establishing and defining security

IMS provides several options for establishing and defining security for application programs that use the ODBA interface.

The options that you select depend on the type of security environment and authorization method that you plan to use. In general, the process that IMS uses to secure PSBs involves one of the following types of security checking:

The following table identifies the values that you need to specify to control data access for specific security implementations. The table also indicates the type of security checking that is performed for each set of specifications.

Table 1. Options for controlling data access for applications that use ODBA
Security implementation Authorization method ISIS= specification ODBASE= specification Connection security PSB security
Resource access security RACF R N   X
Resource Access Security user exit (RASE) C N   X
RACF and Resource Access Security user exit (RASE) A N   X
None 0 | N N    
APSB security RACF Not applicable Y   X

To control data access for application programs that use the ODBA interface, follow the techniques discussed in the following topics to establish connection security and PSB security checking.