The CICS® transaction
specifies the value to be placed in the outbound destination process
name field (SCDDPN) in the TRANSID field of the START
This field, when sent by CICS to IMS, contains the name of an IMS editor (MFS, basic edit, or ISC
edit) that is to receive the inbound message. If SYSID
not coded on the START
command, this TRANSID
be modified (to contain an 8-character name, for example) as a result
of the RMTNAME option in the program control table (PCT).
When received by CICS in a reply from IMS, this field contains the value that CICS sent to IMS as the return destination process name field (SCDRDPN) on the outbound message. IMS automatically wraps the incoming RDPN field into the DPN field of the reply message. Alternatively, this field might have been set by the IMS MFS. This value is a CICS transaction code. If this field is not supplied on input to CICS, CICS uses the first four characters of the input data stream as the transaction code.