With dynamic resource definition (DRD) enabled, you can
delete runtime Fast Path routing code resource and descriptor definitions
dynamically, eliminating the need to use the online change process
or the batch system definition process with an IMS cold start.
Delete runtime Fast Path routing code resources and descriptor
definitions using the DELETE RTC and DELETE RTCDESC commands.
- Check for work in progress by issuing a QRY RTC
SHOW(WORK) command. If there is work in progress, either:
- Wait for the work to finish.
- Address the work in progress.
- The next step can vary based on whether the transaction
is associated with a Fast Path potential FP(P) or Fast Path exclusive
FP(E) transaction.
- Delete a routing code that is associated with a Fast Path
potential transaction using the DELETE RTC command.
If the program is scheduled, the routing code cannot be deleted and
you must stop the region before you issue the DELETE RTC command.
- Delete a routing code that is associated with a Fast Path
exclusive transaction using the DELETE TRAN command.
The DELETE RTC command fails.
- Delete a runtime routing code descriptor definition by issuing
the DELETE RTCDESC command.
- If you are using the IMSRSC repository to
store your Fast Path routing code resource and descriptor definitions,
issue DELETE DEFN commands to delete them from
the repository.
The routing codes associated with both
FP(P) and FP(E) transactions are maintained in the repository.
the DELETE DEFN command to delete routing codes
referenced by FP(P) transactions. Then issue DELETE DEFN commands
to delete FP(P) transactions and FP(E) transactions. When an FP(E)
transaction is deleted from the repository by using the DELETE
DEFN command, the routing code associated with the FP(E)
transaction is also deleted from the repository by RM.