Setting up type-2 trace tables

Set up type-2 trace tables in the DFSDFxxx member by using the TRCLEV statement with the table names, volume level, and size to help collect diagnostic data.


Take the following steps to set up type-2 trace tables:

  1. Add the TRCLEV statement to the DIAGNOSTICS_STATISTICS section of the DFSDFxxx PROCLIB member. Specify the table name, the volume level, and the number of pages that are allocated for the table.
    The following example demonstrates how the TRCE and DDL tables are set up in the DFSDFXXX member.
    /* DFSDFXXX MEMBER                                                     */
    /* DIAGNOSTIC SECTION                                                  */
    TRCLEV=(NAME=TRCE,                /* Type-2 trace services trace table */
            LEVEL=LOW)                /* Low volume                        */
    TRCLEV=(NAME=DDL,                /* Type-2 DDL trace table      */
            LEVEL=HIGH,               /* High volume                       */
            PAGES=30)                 /* Allocate 30 pages for tables      */
  2. Activate the type-2 trace tables.

    The type-2 trace tables are activated when IMS starts up. If IMS is already active before the TRCLEV statement is added, use the UPDATE TRACE command to activate the trace tables.

    All type-2 trace tables, TRCE, ERR, DDL, and USRX, can be activated for the following environment:
    • Batch
    • DB/DC
    • DBCTL
    • DCCTL
    • FDBR
    • XRF alternate
    If you attempt to activate a trace in an environment that does not support the type of traces, IMS ignores the request.

To verify whether type-2 trace tables are activated, issue the QUERY TRACE command.