Recovering APPC transactions in an MSC environment

The recoverability of an IMS LU 6.2 transaction depends on whether the message is recoverable, irrecoverable, discardable, or nondiscardable, and when an error occurs.

You can determine the recoverability of APPC messages in an MSC environment. Resource failures affect recovery.

To recover APPC transactions in an MSC environment, analyze the types of failures that can occur. How you handle the error depends on the following:

  • The resource that fails: Was it an LU 6.2 session failure, an IMS failure, an application program failure, or an MSC link failure?
  • Transaction mode: Was it recoverable or irrecoverable?
  • Transaction type: Was it local or remote?
  • LU 6.2 conversation mode: Was it asynchronous or synchronous?

You are in control of recovery by the way you define the transaction. The information in the following topics highlights pertinent facts, and then points you to other areas in the IMS library where the subjects are explained in greater depth.