Creating logon descriptors during system definition

When you specify IMS system definition options to create ETO logon descriptors, IMS dynamically creates a logon descriptor for every unique VTAM® TERMINAL macro that you have specified (For each TERMINAL macro definition, a node user descriptor is also created for use as a migration step to ETO).

IMS system definition can produce up to 37 common logon descriptors for each device type. The descriptor that defines the largest number of terminals of that type becomes the default logon descriptor. This logon descriptor assumes the IMS-defined default name for that type. The other terminals of that type create their own unique logon descriptor by using a suffix on the default name.

For terminal definitions that do not match one of the 37 common descriptors, IMS creates an individual logon descriptor.

These descriptors are generated as comments (with an asterisk in column 1). For example, *L3270A. To choose a descriptor that you need, remove the asterisk.

The naming convention for the 37 common logon descriptors that are created during the system definition process is:
  • The last character of the name must be unique.
  • Blank for the most common, then 0-9 and A-Z.
  • During system definition, IMS does not create ETO logon descriptors for the primary or secondary master terminal, or for LU 6.1 terminals that are defined as XRF ISC links.
  • The following keywords are not supported on logon descriptors: PU, SIZE, MODEL, TYPE, MSGDEL.