Dynamically allocating the ACB staging library for ACBLIB member online change
Use the DFSMDA member with TYPE=IMSACB to dynamically allocate the ACBLIB staging library for use with ACBLIB member online change.
You can dynamically allocate the ACBLIB staging library using the DFSMDA member TYPE=IMSACB. By using TYPE=IMSACB, you only have to specify the data set name for the staging ACBLIB. A dynamic allocation member with the name of IMSACB is created for the staging ACBLIB.
Restriction: The staging
ACBLIB cannot be concatenated.
Restriction: Do not create
database MDA members with a DDNAME=IMSACB or with DISP=OLD.
IMS dynamically allocates the staging ACBLIB with DISP=SHR.
To ensure that the staging ACBLIB can be allocated by your IMS control region, you can use either of the following methods:
- Create a DFSMDA member for ACBLIB staging library. For example:
- Add an IMSACB DD statement to your IMS procedure.
For example:
If you use the IMSACB DD statement, it takes precedence over the DFSMDA member settings.//IMSACB DD DSN=STAGING.LIBRARY,DISP=SHR