Tivoli IMS tools
The following sections describe the IBM® Tivoli® IMS tools.
Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS V1.8 or later
Tivoli Monitoring, V6.3.0
IBM Tivoli Monitoring can monitor and manage system and network applications on a variety of operating systems, track the availability and performance of your enterprise system, and get reports to track trends and troubleshoot problems.
Tivoli AF/OPERATOR on z/OS, 3.4.1
IBM Tivoli AF/OPERATOR on z/OS® is a robust console automation solution for z/OS environments. Use it to streamline common tasks, optimize system performance and reduce avoidable errors, so that your staff only focuses on events or tasks that require human intervention.
Tivoli AF/Integrated Resource Manager, 5.0.0
IBM Tivoli AF/Integrated Resource Manager (AF/IRM) simplifies system automation and resource management through an intuitive console-driven interface that provides comprehensive subsystem management without additional coding.
Tivoli OMEGACENTER Gateway on z/OS, 3.4.1
IBM OMEGAMON for Db2 for Performance Expert on z/OS, 5.5
IBM OMEGAMON® for Db2® for Performance Expert on z/OS
combines the sophisticated reporting, monitoring and buffer pool analysis features of the IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for
Performance Monitor on z/OS and IBM
Buffer Pool Analyzer products.
IBM OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS, 5.5
IBM OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS monitors and manages the availability, performance, and resource utilization of your IMS systems, either at a system level or within an IMSplex.
IBM Z System Automation, 4.3
IBM Z® System Automation is an IBM Z NetView® base software product that provides a single point of control for a various range of systems management functionality.
Parent topic:
IBM IMS Tools support for IMS 15.4