IBM Transaction Analysis Workbench, 1.3

The IBM® Transaction Analysis Workbench helps you analyze problems with the performance or behavior of transactions on z/OS® and includes the following features:

Coverage across z/OS subsystems

Uses the logs and other historical data generated by each subsystem during normal transaction processing and system operations. No special agents are required.

Supported data sources include CICS®, Db2, IMS, IBM MQ, WebSphere® Application Server for z/OS, various SMF records, and OPERLOG.

Consolidation of different subsystem logs in a single interface

Tracks individual transactions across multiple subsystems and analyzes different logs in the same consistent user interface.

Collaboration between users

Saves information about a problem, such as locations of log files and log records of interest, and then shares that information with other users, enabling collaborative analysis without rework.

Log forwarding

Converts log data to CSV or JSON format and forwards the data to analytics platforms such as Splunk, Elastic, or Hadoop.

Mobile Workload Pricing for z/OS (MWP)

Creates the CSV and SMF files that are required by the Mobile Workload Reporting Tool (MWRT).

Program number: 5697-P37