Defining Fast Path transactions

The TRANSACT macro (or the CREATE TRAN command) is used to identify the transaction code and processing characteristics for a Fast Path transaction. The code is specified with the CODE keyword, and, even though the scheduling of Fast Path programs uses the routing code for its queue selection, the code must be a unique name among the set of transactions, LTERMs, and link names.

Use the FPATH keyword on the TRANSACT macro to signify that the transaction is a Fast Path-potential transaction (meaning it can run in either an IFP or a full-function region such as MPP). Specify a parameter value of FPATH=YES. You only need to do this when the APPLCTN macro that precedes the TRANSACT macro does not use an FPATH=SIZE parameter value. The FPATH operand on the TRANSACT macro is ignored if your preceding APPLCTN macro explicitly specifies a message-driven application program. This parameter generates a routing code in a table identical to the transaction code and marks it as Fast Path potential.

The following keywords for the TRANSACT macro differ slightly depending on whether they are used to define DL/I transactions or Fast Path transactions:
Specifies a single- or multiple-segment message and its processing mode. Use parameter values SNGLSEG and RESPONSE, because Fast Path transactions must be single segment and response mode.
Specifies an inquiry transaction. You must use the default parameter value RECOVER, because these transactions are processed in the same way as other Fast Path transactions.
Specifies translation to uppercase and the presence of an input message edit routine. The latter option is not valid for Fast Path-exclusive transactions. For Fast Path-potential transactions, the edit routine is only invoked if the transaction is routed to IMS.
Specifies the maximum processing time. For message-driven programs, PROCLIM is the limit for one transaction and uses the real elapsed time, because the terminal is in response mode. The count parameter is ignored.
Specifies the Expedited Message Handler Buffer (EMHB) size for transactions.