DFSVSMxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set

Use the control statements in the DFSVSMxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set to define settings for buffer pools, trace options, coupling facility structures, IRLM lock timeout, and transactions in a HALDB partition.

In an IMS batch system, these control statements are put in a data set with ddname DFSVSAMP. The data set must contain blocked or unblocked 80-character records.

Recommendation: Do not place DFSVSAMP in the same PDS as your user application files. This causes batch jobs to abend with ABEND0C4 in DFSRTM00.

In an IMS online system, these control statements are put in the IMS.PROCLIB data set in member DFSVSMxx. The VSPEC symbolic parameter in the IMS, DBC, and DCC procedures is used to specify the suffix (xx) of the DFSVSMxx member to be used. During stage 2, IMS creates a default member with suffix 00. If a suffix in not specified on the startup procedure, the default member is used. The default values are also used if the control statements in the startup procedure are missing or invalid.

The control statements in this member are processed during IMS initialization. The control statements allow you to perform various tasks.

Table 1. DFSVSMxx parameters for Online IMS that can be specified in IMS batch jobs via DFSVSAMP DD.
DFSVSMxx member of the IMS PROCLIB dataset DFSVSMxx DFSVSAMP
Defining Fast Path DEDB buffer pools for single-area structures Yes No
Defining Fast Path DEDB buffer pools for multi-area structures Yes No
Defining VSAM buffer pools Yes Yes
Defining VSAM subpools Yes Yes
Defining VSAM performance options Yes Yes
Defining OSAM subpools Yes Yes
Requesting that z/OS dynamic allocation use extended storage Yes No
Specifying sequential buffering for an online system Yes No
Defining serviceability and trace options Yes Yes
Defining DL/I call image trace Yes Yes
Defining DASD logging initialization parameters* No No
Defining IMS batch without dynamic allocation No Yes
Disabling the re-opening of databases after an IMS restart Yes No
Defining coupling facility structure names for sysplex data sharing Yes Yes
Using the coupling facility for OSAM data caching Yes Yes
Enabling the long busy handling function Yes No
Enabling the IRLM lock timeout function Yes Yes
Preventing transactions from being terminated when HALDB partitions are unavailable Yes No
Preventing DBRC calls for HALDB version verification Yes Yes
Resuming an online reorganization for HALDBs during IMS warm or emergency restart Yes No
Discarding preallocated SDEP control intervals Yes No
Preventing a /DBRECOVERY command for a database that has INDOUBT EEQEs Yes No
Removing the limit for the number of DFS3314W messages issued Yes Yes

*The DASD logging initialization parameters have moved to the LOGGER section of the DFSDFxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.