Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC) directed routing

MSC directed routing is a function of MSC that allows an application program to specify the IMS name (MSNAME) and destination within that IMS for a message to an LTERM or an application program.

The receiving application program can determine the MSNAME of the IMS that originally scheduled it. With directed routing, the specified remote destination (a transaction or an LTERM) in another IMS does not need to be declared explicitly in the IMS system definition for the sending IMS. These logical (local) names for terminals enable different IMS systems in the MSC network to use the same logical names for terminals and transaction codes. Names must still be unique within a given IMS. The Multiple Systems Verification utility (DFSUMSV0) cannot detect errors associated with MSC directed routing.

  • MSC directed routing does not support a program-to-program switch between conversational transactions.
  • MSC directed routing does not support a program-to-program switch from a nonconversational transaction to a conversational transaction. For example, a conversational transaction in System A cannot use directed routing to perform a program-to-program switch to invoke a conversational transaction in System B.
  • Response mode cannot be propagated on a DL/I ISRT call in a directed routing transaction.