Defining a logical path
When the operator connects two systems, a choice of physical connection type might be possible. Therefore, the logical link name is used. You can define that logical path name by using the MSNAME system definition macro or you can define them dynamically by using the type-2 CREATE MSNAME command.
The SYSID keyword is used to declare the two systems that are joined in a pathway. You select the 1-digit identifiers from the range 1 to 2036, one for the remote system and the other for the local system. For example, (1,3) specifies that any message using this path is being sent to the remote system number 1, and that the local system number is 3.
You can change the remote and local system IDs of a logical path by using the type-2 command UPDATE MSNAME. The changes will remain in effect only until the next cold start of the IMS system.
The MSNAME macro can be followed by a set of NAME macros on which you can specify the LTERM names for terminals that are in remote systems. You do not need to declare every terminal in the remote system that is entering transactions, but only those that enter traffic destined for this local system. If the LTERM in the remote system is for an ETO terminal that enters transactions destined for this system, define the LTERMs using ETO MSC descriptors instead of NAME macros.