Retrieving synchronous callout requests with RESUME TPIPE
When issuing a RESUME TPIPE call to retrieve synchronous callout requests, you can code the RESUME TPIPE call to retrieve only synchronous callout messages or both synchronous callout messages and asynchronous output.
The RESUME TPIPE call for synchronous callout messages requires IRM architecture 3 (IRM_ARCH3) and a value of X'80' (IRM_F0_SYNONLY) or X'40' (IRM_F0_SYNASYN) in the IRM_F0 field. If no option is specified in the IRM_F0 field, the RESUME TPIPE call retrieves only asynchronous output.
IRM_F0_SYNONLY specifies that the IMS Connect client can only retrieve synchronous callout requests. If any asynchronous output messages are present on the tpipe hold queue when a RESUME TPIPE call that specifies IRM_F0_SYNONLY is received, the asynchronous messages are not returned to the client and remain on the tpipe hold queue.
IRM_F0_SYNASYN specifies that the IMS Connect client can retrieve both synchronous callout requests and any other asynchronous output messages on the queue. When IRM_F0_SYNASYN is specified, when a new RESUME TPIPE call is received, OTMA sends all synchronous callout requests first before sending asynchronous output messages.
If the RESUME TPIPE call from a client is connected to a different IMS Shared Queue member from the one that initiated and processed the synchronous callout request, the client will not receive the message even when the super member function is activated. The message is kept on the OTMA hold queue until timeout occurs and is deleted afterward. Because synchronous callout requests are queued to the tpipe hold queue, they are known only by the IMS that owns the tpipe. Super member function is honored for synchronous callout requests only when multiple IMS Connect clients are connected to the same IMS Shared Queue member.
- X'03' (IRM_ARCH3).
- IRM_F0
- Specify either:
- X'80' (IRM_F0_SYNONLY) to retrieve only synchronous callout messages.
- X'40' (IRM_F0_SYNASYN) to retrieve both synchronous callout messages and asynchronous output messages.
- IRM_F4
- R character value (IRM_F4_RESUMET).
- IRM_F5
- Retrieval option for the RESUME TPIPE call, such as X'02' (IRM_F5_AUTO).
When the client application supports control data, also turn on the bit X'20' (IRM_F5_CTLDATA).
- IRM_F6
- If you require the client to receive network security credentials, specify X'80' (IRM_F6_NWSE) to indicate that the client supports the *NETSID* and *NETUID* output message segments.
- The timeout value for the RESUME TPIPE call, such as IRM_TIME_FF, which specifies that the RESUME TPIPE call does not time out.