IMSplex support environment

IMS Connect requires that IMS, the CSL Operations Manager (OM), and the CSL Structured Call Interface (SCI) be running to communicate with OM.

IMS must be running in the same z/OS® image as IMS Connect or a different z/OS image on the same IMSplex. The OM must be in the same z/OS image or a different z/OS image in the same IMSplex. The SCI must be in the same z/OS image as IMS Connect.

IMS Connect can be brought up before or after IMS, SCI, OM, and RM. During IMS Connect initialization, connection to SCI is made. IMS Connect attempts to connect to SCI for 30 minutes. If SCI connection is not made, then an OPENIP command will need to be issued to connect to the SCI after the SCI has been initialized. If the SCI terminates normally or abnormally, IMS Connect will automatically reconnect to the SCI when the SCI is restarted.