Selecting the environment options
Select the options that apply to your environment. The IVP provides suboptions and tasks based on your choices to build a sample IMS system for installation verification.
IVP IVP Environment Options IMS 15.3.1
Command ===>
DFSIX023: DFSIXX01 - Prior session completed successfully for “DBB”
Select the desired option and press ENTER
Option. .
IVP Environments
1. DBB - Database Management (Batch)
2. DBC - Database Management (DBCTL)
3. DBT - Database and Transaction Management (DB/DC)
4. XRF - DB/DC with Extended Recovery Facility (DB/DC with XRF)
5. DCC - Transaction Management (DCCTL)
- In the IVP Environment Options panel, type the number of the option
you want.
Each option in the environment options panel (except option 5) includes the options listed before it. For example, if you select option 3, you are building the IMS batch, DBCTL, and DB/DC IVP environments. Select the highest number that represents the system you want to build. Option 5 does not build the environments of options 1, 2, 3, and 4.
The IVP Environment Options panel supports the following primary options:- DBB - IMS batch environment
This environment supports batch job access of IMS full-function databases. It can also be used to support Db2 for z/OS® applications.
- DBC - IMS DBCTL environment
This environment supports the online access of IMS full-function databases and DEDBs with batch-oriented BMPs. It can also be used as the basis for supporting IBM® CICS® Transaction Server for z/OS/DBCTL, ODBA, Db2 for z/OS, batch, and other applications. This environment includes all the function of the DBB environment.
- DBT - IMS DB/DC environment
This environment supports the online access of IMS full-function databases, DEDBs, and MSDBs. IMS DB/DC is a full IMS Transaction and Database Management environment supporting both message-driven and batch-oriented applications. It can also be used for supporting the CICS/DBCTL, ODBA, Db2 for z/OS, batch, and other applications. This environment includes all the function of the DBB and DBC environments.
- XRF - IMS XRF environment
This option extends the DBT (DB/DC) environment to include XRF support. A single CPC configuration (active and alternate IMS subsystems on the same CPC) is used. It can also be used to support the IMS TM environment, CICS/DBCTL, ODBA, Db2 for z/OS, and batch applications. This environment includes all the function of the DBB, DBC, and DBT environments.
- DCC - IMS DCCTL environment
IMS DCCTL is a full IMS Transaction Management environment that supports both message-driven and batch-oriented applications. It can be used as the basis for supporting Db2 for z/OS applications.
- DBB - IMS batch environment
- After you select an option, press Enter to
If you previously ran the IVP dialog and made a selection in the IVP Environment Options panel, the Environment Option Change Verification panel opens.
If you did not previously run the IVP dialog, the Sub-option Selection panel opens. Skip the next topic on Verifying an environment option change and proceed directly to Selecting suboptions.