Specifying candidate printers

With BSC 3270, using VTAM®, requests for copying the screen content to a printer are directed to the first available printer on the same control unit as the screen.

Definition: First available printer refers to the sequence of TERMINAL macros for the devices. A predetermined sequence controls the order in which the printer components are selected for message output. The following figure shows two display workstation printer groups.

Figure 1. Sequence of IMS TERMINAL macros
Sequence of TERMINAL macros: Display 1, Display 2, Printer 1, Printer 2, Display 3, Printer 3. Display 1 uses Printer 1 or Printer 2. Display 2 uses Printer 1 or Printer 2. Display 3 uses Printer 3.

The first printer defined after a display is a candidate printer for that display. Any subsequently defined printer is also a candidate if no display is defined between it and the first candidate. In the preceding figure, if a request is made for a printed copy of Display 1 or Display 2, IMS sends a 3270 copy command to Printer 3, if it is available. If Printer 3 is not available, IMS considers Printer 4. Printer 6 is not a candidate for Display 1 or Display 2, but it is a candidate for Display 5.

The copy function is not permitted to cross 3270 control-unit boundaries. For IBM® 3274 and 3276 with SNA protocols, IMS sends the print request to the display, and the printer is selected by the controller. The printer need not be defined to IMS.

Restriction: The 3270R (non-SNA) copy function is not supported for ETO terminals.