Use high-value link statistics to help diagnose MSC link problems

You can use high-value link statistics to help diagnose certain problems that lead to a backup of messages on MSC links. In the output of the type-2 command QUERY MSLINK command, the fields for the high-value statistics all begin with HI.

For example, if a message backup on a link occurs, you might check for an unusually high value recorded for the Hi_SendIO_Time. An unusually high I/O time to send a message might indicate that an outage has occurred in the network connecting the two IMS systems and you can then pursue the cause.

The high-value statistics that you can check include:
The highest (longest) time the link was dispatched to process
The largest message size sent (type X'01' or X'03' message record)
The highest (longest) QMGR call (GU or DEQ) to process a send message.
The highest (longest) I/O time to send a message
The largest message size received (type X'01' or X'03' message record)
The highest (longest) QMGR call (ISRT or ENQ) to process a received message
The highest (longest) I/O time to receive a message