Screen definition examples

The following examples show the PESRVIC parameter in the VTAM® mode table, what the equivalent TERMINAL macro parameters would be for a static terminal, and the corresponding MFS DEV statement TYPE parameter, which is used for both static and ETO terminals.

  • LU0 (non-SNA 3270 video)
    • VTAM mode table: PSERVIC=X'000000000000000000000200'
    • TERMINAL macro: UNITYPE=3270 UNIT=3284/86 MODEL=2
    • MFS DEV statement: TYPE=(3270P,2)
  • Model 2 non-SNA 3270 Printer
    • VTAM mode table: PSERVIC=X'000000000000000000000240'
    • TERMINAL macro: UNITYPE=3270 UNIT=3284/86 MODEL=2
    • MFS DEV statement: TYPE=(3270P,2)
  • Non-SNA 3270 Display (model specified)
    • VTAM mode table: PSERVIC=X'000000000000000000000080'
    • TERMINAL macro: UNITYPE=3270 MODEL=1
    • MFS DEV statement: TYPE=(3270,1)

    Model information can come from the FEATUR2 parameter for non-SNA 3270; if this parameter is not specified, this is a model 1 (screen-size 12x40). Assume that FEATUR2=1 (specified or default).

  • Non-SNA 3270 Display (model specified)
    • VTAM mode table: PSERVIC=X'000000000000000000000080'
    • TERMINAL macro: UNITYPE=3270 MODEL=2
    • MFS DEV statement: TYPE=(3270,2)

    Model information can come from the FEATUR2 parameter for non-SNA 3270; if this parameter is not specified, this is a model 2 (screen-size 24x80). Assume that FEATUR2=2.

  • Non-SNA 3270 Display (screen-size specified)
    • VTAM mode table: PSERVIC=X'000000000000185000007E80'
    • TERMINAL macro: UNITYPE=3270 TYPE=3270-A2,SIZE=(24,80)
    • MFS DEV statement: TYPE=3270-A2, where A2=24x80
    For a SLU–2 device, UNITYPE=SLUTYPE2 would be specified (also note the change to the PSERVIC field).

    The screen-size comes from the default screen-size field (24x80). (For a SLU–2 device, the first byte of the PSERVIC field would be X'02'. The last byte would be X'00').

  • Non-SNA 3270 Display (screen-size specified)
    • VTAM mode table: PSERVIC=X'000000000000205000000080'
    • TERMINAL macro: NITYPE=3270 TYPE=3270-A3,SIZE=(32,80)
    • MFS DEV statement: TYPE=3270-A3, where A2=32x80

    The screen-size comes from the default screen-size field (32x80). (For a SLU–2 device, the first byte of the PSERVIC field would be X'02'. The last byte would be X'00').

  • Non-SNA 3270 Display (model specified)
    • VTAM mode table: PSERVIC=X'000000000000000000000280'
    • TERMINAL macro: UNITYPE=3270 MODEL=2
    • MFS DEV statement: TYPE=(3270,2)

    This is a model 2 non-SNA 3270 display (24x80).

  • SNA 3270 Display (model specified)
    • VTAM mode table: PSERVIC=X'020000000000000000000280'
    • TERMINAL macro: UNITYPE=3270 MODEL=2
    • MFS DEV statement: TYPE=(3270,2)

    This is a model 2 SNA 3270 display (24x80).