IMS data sets

Use the data set information to troubleshooting and learning about the IMS.

The attribute values for each data set are provided and include:
Data set organization
Restriction: IMS supports partitioned data sets extended (PDSEs) for only these libraries: MODBLKS, PGMLIB, SMPLTS, and SDFSJLIB.
Note: The External Subsystem Attach Facility (ESAF) supports PDSE load library data sets.
Data set name type
Record format
Logical record length
Block size
The DSNAME high-level qualifier for DLIB, SYSTEM, and EXECUTION data sets must be specified on the NODE parameter of the IMSGEN macro. TLIB data sets are included in the NODE parameter for SYSTEM data sets. The IMS online change function requires multiple copies of the system data sets IMS.ACBLIB, IMS.MODBLKS, and IMS.FORMAT. The base copies of these data sets are called staging libraries, and the copies form active and inactive libraries.