Format of XIBDS exit interface block

The XIBDS exit interface block data store entries are mapped by the HWSXIBDS macro.

The following table describes the fields and field offsets of an entry in the exit interface block.
Field Dec Offset Hex Offset Length Value
XIBDS_NAME 0 X'00' 8 Name of the data store.
XIBDS_STATUS 8 X'08' 1 Availability of the data store. The possible values are:
The data store is not active.
The data store is active.
The data store is disconnected.
XIBDS_FLAG 9 X'09' 1 Data store entry flags.
Identifies the last entry in the exit interface block.
The IMS data store is running on a different z/OS® image (LPAR) than IMS Connect.

This flag can be set only when the data store connection is active in IMS Connect and the IMS data store is active in the XCF group.

Cascaded transaction support for global RRS transactions synchlevel=2 (syncpoint) has been enabled for the data store.

This flag can be set only when the XIBDS_FLAG field also contains X'40', which indicates that IMS Connect and the IMS data store reside on different z/OS images (LPARs).

Indicates that the version of the IMS data store is stored at offset 10.
Entry for the IMS data store.
Entry for the IMSPlex.
IMS version 10 X'0A' 2 The version of the IMS data store is included here only if the X'10' flag is on in the XIBDS_FLAG field at offset 9. The format of the version number is:
  • IMS Release (1 byte)
  • IMS Level (1 byte)
XIBDS_USER 12 X'0C' 4 User field
XIBDS_ST_STATUS 16 X'10' 2 The overall state of the IMS data store. The values in this field indicate how well the data store is processing input messages. The possible values are:
Normal state: IMS is available and is processing input messages normally.
Degraded state: IMS is processing OTMA messages slowly. One or more conditions indicate that IMS is not processing input messages as quickly as it should.
Unavailable state: IMS can no longer accept input messages for processing. One or more severe conditions prevent IMS from processing OTMA messages.
XIBDS_ST_SVRSTT     0 The beginning of the fields used to identify the conditions that are contributing to the unavailable state of data store processing.
XIBDS_ST_SVRFLG1 18 X'12' 1 Reserved
XIBDS_ST_SVRFLG2 19 X'13' 1 Reserved
XIBDS_ST_SVRFLG3 20 X'14' 1 Reserved
The data store is flooded with messages from this IMS Connect instance and is no longer accepting input from this instance.
XIBDS_ST_WRNSTT     0 The beginning of the fields used to identify the conditions that are contributing to the degraded state of data store processing.
The global number of messages that are waiting to be processed by the data store has passed 80 percent of the maximum allowable number of waiting messages that is defined for all OTMA clients in this z/OS cross-system coupling facility (XCF) group. If the number of waiting messages reaches 100 percent of maximum allowable number, OTMA sets a flood condition and rejects all incoming messages from all OTMA clients in the XCF group.
XIBDS_ST_WRNFLG2 23 X'17' 1 Reserved
XIBDS_ST_WRNFLG3 24 X'18' 1 Reserved
The number of messages that are waiting to be processed by the data store has passed 80 percent of the maximum allowable number for waiting messages that is defined in OTMA for this instance of IMS Connect. If the number of waiting messages reaches 100 percent of the maximum allowable number, OTMA rejects all incoming messages from this instance of IMS Connect.
XIBDS_ST_UTC 26 X'1A' 12 The UTC time at which this status was issued by OTMA