QGET FM header
Use the QGET FM header as input to IMS to transfer to the next, the last, or any logical page, according to cursor.
A QGET FM header is only valid for demand-paged output with operator logical paging defined. It is the only FM header in the input chain and is never followed by function management data.
The QGET FM header is not sent by IMS.
QGET FM header cannot be sent to IMS in
the following cases:
- Between messages. An error message is returned.
- After receiving the ATTACH for a scheduled demand-paged output message. The first paging request for this type of output must be QGETN. QGET can be used after requesting the first output page by QGETN.
- While a non-OLP demand-paged output message is in progress. An error message is returned. The output message is placed on the queue for retransmission.
- When the cursor value does not contain a valid 2-byte binary number. An error message is returned, and the output message is placed on the message queue for retransmission.
- When the cursor value is outside the range for the output message.