System configuration macro statements

The macro statements associated with the example of the IMS DB/DC system definition are provided.

The system configuration macros in Sample system configuration macro statements select IMS system functions for z/OS®, allowing five regions to operate simultaneously. They specify 16 transaction code classes, and the number of concurrently operating subtasks optimized to equal the number of specified communication lines divided by two.

Sample system configuration macro statements

Characteristics                                     Column
to define        Macro statements prepared              72
IMS              IMSCTRL SYSTEM=(VS/2,(ALL,DB/DC),390),  X
Configuration          MAXREGN=(5,52K,A,3),              X
                       MCS=13,DESC=2,MAXCLAS=16,         X
Data Sets        MSGQUEUE DSETS=LGDK,                    X
                       BUFFERS=(20,1152),                X