REXXIMS MAPDEF packed decimal function enhancement

In IMS 15.3, the IMS adapter REXXIMS is enhanced to increase the max MAPDEF length value to 16 bytes for packed (P) and 32 bytes for zoned (Z) data types. This enhancement is delivered with APAR/PTF PH16409/UI66831.

IMS adapter REXXIMS has been enhanced to increase the max MAPDEF length value to 16 bytes for packed (P) and 32 bytes for zoned(Z) data types. In addition to the MAPDEF length values, the scale (.digit) specification has also been increased to allow 0 to 31 digits for both P and Z specifications. The scale indicates the number of digits to the right of a decimal point when converting the number. This enhancement enables REXX programs to map an entire packed decimal field or more than 12 zoned decimal digits and allows application developers to use MAPDEF instead of coding their own routines.

The MAPGET and MAPPUT commands have also been updated to support the longer P and Z length values, as well as the increased scale of a decimal number.

Changes to programming for IMS

This enhancement has updated the valid lengths of the following data types in the MAPDEF, MAPGET and MAPPUT REXXIMS extended commands:

  • Zoned decimal (Z): 1-32 bytes
  • Packed decimal (P) : 1-16 bytes

Documentation changes

The following table lists the publications that contain new or changed topics for the New function name enhancement. Publications that are not impacted by this enhancement are not included in the table.

Table 1. Links to topics that have new or changed content for this enhancement
Publication New or changed topics
Release planning
Application programming APIs