Criteria for selecting a default logon descriptor
IMS provides a default logon descriptor for each VTAM® terminal type. The logon descriptor name is based on the LU type and TS profile.
If necessary, you can add logon descriptors. If you do not provide a logon descriptor, and IMS does not locate one in IMS.PROCLIB or in the Logon exit routine (DFSLGNX0), IMS uses the algorithm shown in the following table to assign a default logon descriptor name. The VTAM LUTYPE, IMS UNITYPE, and IMS default logon descriptor names are shown for each terminal type.
The default logon descriptor is determined in one of three ways:
- IMS looks for the most common logon descriptor created during IMS system definition and uses it as the default.
- If no terminal definition exists for that terminal type, IMS creates a default logon descriptor.
- Your installation can create a default logon descriptor.
VTAM LUTYPE | IMS UNITYPE | Default descriptor name |
X'06' | LUTYPE6 | DFSLU61 |
X'02' | SLUTYPE2 | DFSSLU2 |
X'01' | SLUTYPE1 (Default)1 |
X'00' |
SLUTYPEP (Default)2 |
X'00' |
3270 |
DFS3270 |
Notes to table:
- IMS does not
distinguish between SLUTYPE1 and NTO terminals; SLUTYPE1 is the default.
To support both SLUTYPE1 and NTO terminals, do the following:
- Override the DFSSLU1 default logon descriptor by using the Logon exit routine (DFSLGNX0) or by specifying the LOGOND parameter.
- If your installation has no SLUTYPE1 terminals, rename the DFSNTO logon descriptor to DFSSLU1 in order to make it the default for LU type X'01' terminals.
- IMS does not
distinguish between SLU type-P, Finance, and 3601 terminals; SLUTYPEP
is the default. ETO considers Finance and 3600 series terminals to
be the same. To support both SLUTYPEP and 3600/Finance terminals,
do the following:
- Override the DFSSLUP default logon descriptor by using the Logon exit routine (DFSLGNX0) or by specifying the LOGOND parameter.
- If your installation has no SLUTYPEP terminals, rename the DFSFIN logon descriptor to DFSSLUP in order to make it the default for LU type X'00' (TS = X'04') terminals.