Specifying initial VTAM configurations

Based on your IMS requirements, start lists (ATCSTRyy) and configuration members (ATCCONxx) are placed in the SYS1.VTAMLST library. This information should reflect those terminals that are to be activated at VTAM® startup, and those VTAM nodes that are known to VTAM at startup.

For ISC (LU 6) devices and MSC VTAM links, if the session is started from another subsystem, the session is not automatically recovered. Session failure messages are sent to the MTO indicating that you must manually restart the session.

You should emphasize flexibility in the IMS requirements, and try to reduce the requirements for a large part of the network to be immediately available. This might entail more elaborate startup instructions for start lists and configuration members. This might also be reflected in your MTO instructions and the extent to which the /OPNDST command is used. The delayed start up of network sections can overlap with IMS processing in order to allow IMS to start up more quickly. Also, the network startup sequence can be executed by an automated operator program executing in IMS.