Deleting resource and descriptor definitions from the IMSRSC repository

To delete resource and descriptor definitions from the IMSRSC repository, issue the DELETE DEFN command.

Recommendation: When a resource definition is being deleted in the IMSplex, delete the runtime resource first and then delete it from the repository.

Issuing the DELETE DEFN command ensures that the definitions remain deleted in IMS across a cold start, and that they are not imported from the repository during cold start processing or with the IMPORT DEFN command.

If you delete MSC resource definitions from the IMSRSC repository, delete the definitions in the following order:
  1. Remote transaction definitions
  2. Remote logical terminal (LTERM) definitions
  3. MSC logical link paths (MSNAMEs)
  4. MSC logical links (MSLINKs)
  5. MSC physical links (MSPLINKs)