IMS Connect two-phase commit support

IMS Connect supports two phase-commit for both IMS TM transactions and IMS DB database requests.

The IMS TM transactions and IMS DB database requests that are participants in two-phase-commit transactions are coordinated by z/OS® Resource Recovery Services or an external coordinator (for example, IBM® WebSphere® Application Server).

When accessing IMS TM through IMS Connect, the external coordinator must use the IMS TM Resource Adapter as the resource adapter. Together, the IMS TM Resource Adapter and IMS Connect handle the data flow for two-phase-commit processing.

When accessing IMS DB through IMS Connect, the external coordinator can use any of the following resource adapters and APIs:

  • IMS Universal Database resource adapter
  • IMS Universal JDBC driver
  • IMS Universal DL/I driver
  • The Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA)

To handle the data flow for two-phase-commit processing for IMS DB support, IMS Connect works with the CSL Open Database Manager (ODBM) component, together with the IMS Universal drivers.

This topic provides an overview of two-phase commit and some key scenarios that IMS Connect supports.