
The TP_Profile is a VSAM data set owned by APPC/MVS and maintained by the APPC/MVS Administration utility (ATBSDFMU) or by the administrator using TSO/ISPF dialogs. The purpose of the TP_Profile entries is to provide attribute information for TP names.

CPI Communications driven application programs must be defined in the APPC/MVS TP_Profile. IMS system-defined transaction codes can optionally be defined in a TP_Profile. The existence of an IMS definition (in the IMS GEN or by online change) causes the transaction to be considered a standard DL/I or modified-standard application.

The TP_Profile, an APPC/MVS resource, contains definitions of transaction program names (TPNs) and their characteristics. You can define a TP_Profile to schedule an IMS transaction program that uses a transaction code that is different from the TPN.

IMS uses the TP_Profile to establish transaction scheduling characteristics for CPI Communications driven application programs. Based on the IMS dependent section of the APPC/MVS TP_Profile definition, IMS dynamically defines these characteristics when a transaction is presented for scheduling after restart by APPC/MVS.

CPI Communications driven transaction programs are defined only in the TP_Profile. The definition is by TPN. The same TPN can be defined differently for different LU names by using a different TP_Profile data set. The LU name is associated with an IMS.

The default TP_Profile data set name is SYS1.APPCTP. The LUADD TPDATA option in the SYS1.PARMLIB (APPCPMxx) member specifies the TP_Profile data set name used for this LU.

Use TP_Profile dialog or the APPC/MVS administration utility (ATBSDFMU) to define a TP_Profile.

Example: The following figure is an example of the IMS-specific area of the TP_Profile definition (Panel 1).

Figure 1. IMS-specific TP_Profile panel 1
 ------------------ IMS TP_Profile Panel -----------------
TP Name . . . : INQUIRY_Part
Transaction Code . . . . . PART
Security Type  . . . . . . _____     (NONE,CHECK,FULL, default=CHECK)
CPI Communications Driven Options
   Transaction Class . . . ___       (Range 1 - 999, default=1)
   Maximum Regions . . . . ___       (Range 0 - 999, default=1)
Comments . . .       (Optional 1 to 10 lines)
> TP_PROFILE Created 10/8/91__________________________________________________ <
> Access IMS Sample Parts DATABASE via. program DFSSAM02______________________ <
> ____________________________________________________________________________ <
> ____________________________________________________________________________ <
> ____________________________________________________________________________ <
> ____________________________________________________________________________ <
> ____________________________________________________________________________ <
> ____________________________________________________________________________ <
> ____________________________________________________________________________ <
> ____________________________________________________________________________ <
 PF01 = Help     PF03 = Exit     PF12 = Cancel     Enter = Accept

To maintain IMS TP_Profiles using ISPF, do each of the following:


  1. Enter TSO ICQASRM0 from the TSO command line of the TSO/E to start the ISPF TP_Profile System Data Facility Maintenance Utility from a TSO user ID. If this utility is not available, contact your z/OS® system programmer.
  2. Enter S next to the TP_Profile selection and the TP_Profile data set name specified on the TPDATA keyword on the LUADD statement for your IMS LU. (The LUADD statement is in the APPCTPxx PARMLIB member, where xx is the APPC suffix.)
  3. A list of TP_Profiles is displayed. Select A to add a new TP_Profile or E to edit an existing TP_Profile. If you are adding a TP_Profile, you must supply a scheduler name. This name was set at IMS installation time. The recommended name is IMS .
  4. After the general TP_Profile characteristics are supplied, the ISPF editor panel is displayed. Enter DFSTPROF on the command line to display the IMS TP_Profile Maintenance panel.
  5. Supply IMS scheduler-dependent characteristics. Press enter to save your changes or PF3 or PF12 to cancel your changes. You can press PF1 for online help on fields supplied in this panel.

The TP_Profile name is not available on all releases of TSO/E, so a value of Not Available is displayed. This does not suggest that a problem exists.

Related reading: For more information about this utility, see z/OS MVS Programming: Writing Transaction Programs for APPC/MVS.