Exporting and importing IVP variables

Use the IVP Variable Export utility to export previously used IVP variables to a sequential data set so you can later import them.

IVP variables can be exported and imported between IMS releases or between different IVP dialog sessions of the same IMS release. Use the IVP Variable Export utility, shown in Figure 1, to copy or export a set of previously used IVP variables to a sequential data set. This data set can be subsequently imported to the IVP tables data set of the target IVP session.

To export variables from one IVP session and import them to the target IVP session:
  1. Launch the IVP Variable Export utility by issuing the DFSIVPEX command from an ISPF panel.
    Tip: You can use the ISPF split screen capability to invoke the IVP Variable Export utility without exiting the IVP.
    1. Open an ISPF application dialog.
    2. Issue the following TSO EXEC command:
      EXEC 'qqq.SDFSEXEC(DFSIVPEX)' 'HLQ(qqq)'
      Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram EXEC ' qqq.SDFSEXEC(DFSIVPEX)' ' 'HLQ( qqq)'

      qqq is the high-level qualifier for the IMS system (SYS) libraries. The default is IVPSYS13. HLQ(qqq) identifies the high-level qualifier for the system libraries.

    The IVP Variable Export Utility panel opens. The following figure shows the IVP Variable Export utility panel.
    Figure 1. IVP Variable Export utility panel
                       IVP Variable Export Utility                  
    Command ===> 
    Enter the following information, then press enter.
    _ 1. Select the IVP Environment
         1.  DBB - Database Management (Batch)
         2.  DBC - Database Management (DBCTL)
         3.  DBT - Database and Transaction Management (DB/DC)
         4.  XRF - DB/DC with Extended Recovery Facility (DB/DC with XRF)
         5.  DCC - Transaction Management (DCCTL)
      2. Specify the IVP High Level Qualifier (HLQ) of the INSTATBL data set
      3. Specify the export data set. For a PDS, include the member name.
     If the dataset does not exist, you will be prompted to create the dataset.
    Tip: You can also launch the IVP Variable Export utility by using one of the following methods:
    • Select the export (Exp) action command on the Variable Gathering (LST mode) panel.
    • Select option A in the Phase Selection panel.
    • Select the IVP Variable Export Utility option from the IMS Application menu.
  2. Provide the following information in the IVP Variable Export utility panel:
    1. Select the environment option. Use the same option that you selected during the Initialization phase of the IVP process. The environment option identifies which variables to export because the variables for each environment option are different.
    2. Select IVP High Level Qualifier (HLQ), which identifies the IVP table data set (INSTATBL) from which you are exporting the variables.
    3. Type the name of the export data set in TSO format.
      Enter the export data set name in the TSO data set format. You should use single quotation marks around the data set name. If the data set is a partitioned data set, include the member name. For example, if XXX.YYY.ZZZ is the partitioned data set and QQQ is the member name, type the following name:
    Press Enter to export the variables in the current IVP environment to the target IVP session.
  3. Optional: Allocate the export data sets from the IVP Export Data Set Allocation panel. If the export data set does not exist, the IVP Export Data Set Allocation panel opens as shown in the following figure.
    Figure 2. IVP Export Data Set Allocation panel
                       IVP Export Data Set Allocation                  
    Command ===> 
    Export data set does not exist.
    Select an option to allocate the data set:
      1.  DSUTIL - ISPF data set utility panel (3.2)
      2.  ALLOC - Allocate using TSO allocate command
    TSO Allocate Command:
    LRECL(80) BLKSIZE(0)_______________________________________________________
    1. Select one of the following options to allocate the data set:
      1. DSUTIL: If you select the DSUTIL option, the ISPF Utility Data Set Utility panel opens. Specify the following attributes for the export data set:
        • DSORG: Sequential or partitioned
        • RECFM: FB
        • LRECL: 80
        • BLKSIZE: Multiple of 80
      2. ALLOC: If you select the ALLOC option, type the name of the data set in the TSO Allocate Command field. The data set name that you specify on the panel is used to issue the TSO ALLOCATE command to allocate the data set. If the export data set name includes a member name, the TSO ALLOCATE command allocates a PDS data set. You can edit the command on the panel before you select this option.
    2. Press Enter to allocate the data set. The IVP Variable Export Utility panel opens with a message indicating that the data set was successfully allocated.
    3. Press PF3 or End to return to the IVP Variable Gathering panel.
  4. Optional: If the current IVP environment does not match the environment in which the variables were exported, the IVP Import Environment Mismatch panel opens. You can choose to continue the import process or cancel it. The exported variables are associated with their specific IVP environment.
    The following figure shows the IVP Import Environment Mismatch panel.
    Figure 3. IVP Import Environment Mismatch panel
                       IVP Import Environment Mismatch      IMS 15.2.1
    Command ===> 
    The current IVP environment and the export data set IVP environment do not match.
    Current Environment:
    Export Environment:
    Select an option:
        1. Continue import
        2. Cancel import

    If a mismatch occurs between the IVP environments or the IMS releases, the following processing occurs:

    • Any variable that is not valid in the current IMS release or for the current IVP environment and suboptions being processed is ignored.
    • Any variable with a value that is specified in the export data set is replaced with the export value, even if you have modified that variable.
    • The value of each of the variables is checked against the valid values for the variable in the release that is being processed.
    • After the import process finishes, any variable with a value not specified in the export data set remains unchanged from its value before the import.
  5. Import the variables to the target IVP session from the export data set.
    1. In the Variable Gathering (LST mode) panel, issue the import action command (Imp) in the action field of any variable in the panel. This command imports all the variables from an IVP export data set; it does not import a specific variable.

      The IVP Export Data Set Name panel displays to prompt you for the name of the IVP export data set.

    2. Type the name of the export data set name in the TSO data set format. Use single quotation marks around the data set name. If the data set is a partitioned data set, include the member name.
The IVP variables from your previous IVP environment are imported into your new IMS release.