DSPBIxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set

Use the DBRC initialization member of the IMS PROCLIB data set (DSPBIxxx) to specify parameters that initialize the DBRC address space. Some parameters in this member of the IMS PROCLIB data set can be overridden with DBRC execution parameters.

You can use the IMS Syntax Checker to modify this member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramIMSPLEX(NAME= name)DBRCGRP= xxxVSAMBUFF(INDEX= number,DATA= number)


A DSPBIxxx member consists of one or more fixed-length character records (the configuration data set can be of any LRECL greater than eight, but it must be fixed record format). The rightmost-eight columns are ignored but can be used for sequence numbers or any other notation. Keyword parameters can be coded in the remaining columns in free format, and can contain leading and trailing blanks. You can specify multiple keywords in each record; use commas or spaces to delimit keywords. Statements that begin with a * or # in column 1 are comment lines and are ignored. Additionally, comments can be included anywhere within a statement by enclosing them between /* and */, for example, /* PROCLIB comments */. Values coded in this member of the IMS PROCLIB data set are case sensitive. In general, you should use uppercase for all parameters.

BPE considerations

Use the BPE user exit list member of the IMS PROCLIB data set to define DBRC user exits to BPE. The member is specified on the EXITMBR= parameter in the BPE configuration parameter member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.

A sample DBRC BPE user exit list member of the IMS PROCLIB data set is shown in the following example.
/* DBRC USER EXIT LIST PROCLIB MEMBER                            */
# DEFINE 1 RECON I/O EXIT: ZDBRCIO0                               #
# WITH AN ABEND LIMIT OF 8.                                       #
# DEFINE 1 DBRC SECURITY EXIT: ZDBRCSE0                           #


Specifies the IMSplex name used by DBRC for SCI registration. The IMSplex name is passed to the DBRC SCI registration exit routine, DSPSCIX0, if it exists. The sample version of DSPSCIX0 that ships with IMS returns the value that you supply to DBRC as the IMSplex name. This parameter is optional and can be overridden by the IMSPLEX execution parameter. Use DBRC SCI registration exit, DSPSCIX0, to determine the IMSplex name instead of the IMSPLEX parameter. Only one IMSPLEX keyword can be specified. The IMSPLEX keyword must precede the left parenthesis. The IMSPLEX definition parameters follow:
A 1- to 5-character user-specified identifier that is concatenated to 'CSL' to create the cross-system coupling facility (z/OS® cross-system coupling facility) CSL IMSPLEX group name. The value specified here must match the IMSPLEX NAME= value specified in the SCI startup procedure. All DBRC instances in the same IMSplex group that are sharing either databases or message queues must specify the same identifier.
Specifies the three-character DBRC group ID, left-justified and padded with blanks, if necessary. The DBRC group ID is passed to the DBRC SCI registration exit routine, DSPSCIX0 if it exists. The sample version of DSPSCIX0 that ships with IMS returns the value that you supply to DBRC as the DBRC group ID. This parameter is optional and can be overridden by the DBRCGRP execution parameter.
Recommendation: Use the DBRC SCI registration exit, DSPSCIX0, to determine the DBRC group ID instead of the DBRCGRP parameter.
Specifies the maximum number of index and data buffers to be assigned to the VSAM local shared resource (LSR) pool. Only one VSAMBUFF keyword can be specified. The VSAMBUFF keyword must precede the left parenthesis. The VSAMBUFF definition parameters include:
Specifies the number of index buffers to be used. The valid range is 4 to 32 767. The default is 60.
Specifies the number of data buffers to be used. The valid range is 4 to 32 767. The default is 120.


A sample DBRC initialization member of the IMS PROCLIB data set is shown in the following example. The sample, called DSPBI000, is provided as part of the IMS PROCLIB data set.
/* DBRC INITIALIZATION PROCLIB MEMBER                        */
VSAMBUFF(INDEX=60,DATA=120)  /* Set number of #VSAM LSR buffs*/