USERVAR=username parameter for procedures

Use the USERVAR=username parameter in procedure to specify the user name for the IMS active subsystem. It is optional.

For an Extended Recovery Facility (XRF)-capable system, OTMA uses USERVAR as the IMS XCF (z/OS® cross-system coupling facility) member name. The USERVAR= parameter overrides the USERVAR specified in the DFSHSBxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.

(For IMS systems without XRF, OTMA uses the OTMANM= parameter as the IMS XCF member name. If OTMANM= is not specified, OTMA uses the non-APPC VTAM® LU name (APPLID1) as the member name.)

When MNPS=name is specified, the USERVAR specification is ignored, and IMS uses MNPS for XRF terminal switching.