GRNAME= parameter for procedures

Use the GRNAME= parameter in procedure to specify a 1- to 8-character name of the z/OS® cross-system coupling facility group for IMS Open Transaction Manager Access (OTMA).

The group name should be alphanumeric (uppercase only) or specified with the following special characters: #, $, @.

The OTMA XCF group name must be unique within an IMSplex. The first three characters must not conflict with any other IMS XCF group names. Some known IMS XCF group names are:
  • DFSxxxxx
  • FDRxxxxx
  • CQSxxxxx
  • CSLxxxxx
  • TOIxxxxx

For IMS systems that do not use XRF, OTMA uses the OTMANM= parameter as the IMS XCF member name. If OTMANM= is not specified, OTMA uses the non-APPC VTAM® LU name (APPLID1) as the member name.

For IMS systems that use XRF, OTMA uses the USERVAR value as the IMS XCF member name.

This parameter is only valid in IMS DB/DC or IMS TM-DB2 environments.