Tailoring files

In the file-tailoring phase, the IVP uses variables that you specified during the variable-gathering phase to prepare a customized set of IVP JCL and tasks to be stored as members of the INSTALIB data set for use in the execution phase.

The ISPF file-tailoring facility creates this input by updating and building members in the INSTALIB data set based on the options you choose in this phase.

The IVP names the INSTALIB members according to the environment option that was chosen:
  • IV1ssnnt - DBB - Batch system
  • IV2ssnnt - DBC - DBCTL system
  • IV3ssnnt - DBT - DB/DC system
  • IV4ssnnt - XRF - XRF system
  • IV9ssnnt - DCC - DCCTL system
Step number
JOB/TASK/INDEX item number within the step.

The item numbers are not guaranteed to be in ascending sequence. Service changes might disrupt the apparent sequence.

J for job, T for task, N for Non - job (such as an example)

To perform file-tailoring:


  1. In the IVP Phase Selection panel, select a phase. Each selection within a phase provides a different positioning option.
    Option Description
    Select 3 to start or restart from the beginning of the phase
    Select 4 to restart from the last known position within the phase
    Select 5 to restart from the beginning of a selected step
    If you select 3, and you are performing file-tailoring for the first time, or you have selected a new IVP environment option, the File Tailoring All Request panel opens.
    1. Select option 1 to perform the File Tailoring ALL action. This action causes all items to be processed. The File Tailoring in Progress panel opens with the Please do not interrupt this process message and the keyboard is locked. When file-tailoring is complete, the FT Complete Verification panel opens.
    2. In the FT Complete Verification panel, press Enter to continue to the File Tailoring panel.

  2. In the File Tailoring panel, use the various action commands to browse, display a description, or edit any of the members on this panel.
  3. Press End or PF3 when you are finished.
The IVP Phase Selection panel opens and you can progress to the IVP execution phase.