File-tailoring dialog options

Use the action commands and modes available for the file-tailoring phase.

File-tailoring action commands

Action commands are provided to support the IVP dialog during the file-tailoring phase. The following table contains the action commands, accepted modes, and command descriptions.

In the table, the capital letters in the Action column indicate the shortest allowable abbreviation for each command. The entries in the Mode column indicate whether the commands are accepted in:
LST mode
ENT mode
LST mode and ENT mode
Table 1. File-tailoring commands, accepted modes, and command descriptions
Action Mode Description
All Both Perform the file-tailoring phase for INSTALIB members, starting with the item for which the request is made.
brM Both Browse an INSTALIB member.
brS Both Browse an SDFSSLIB or SDFSISRC member.
Doc Both Print JOB/TASK/INDEX documentation to the ISPF LIST data set. The DOC action prints all items, not just the item where the DOC action is requested.
Edm Both Edit an INSTALIB member.
eNt LST Switch to ENT mode. Provides a detailed description of the item, action to be taken, expected results, and error recovery.
Ftl Both Perform the file-tailoring phase for a single INSTALIB member.
Lst ENT Switch to LST mode. LST mode presents a scrollable list of items. Within ENT Mode, the ISPF END command is also interpreted as the LST action.
Nxt ENT Move forward to the next item.
Prv ENT Move backward to the previous item.

File-tailoring—LST mode

The following figure shows the LST mode panel of the file-tailoring phase. When you enter the file-tailoring phase, you are placed in LST Mode. This mode provides the greatest visibility of the jobs and tasks available for the selected option. Except when you are browsing index items, this mode is the only mode that you need for the file-tailoring phase, because the item descriptions that are displayed in ENT mode are intended for use during the execution phase.

Figure 1. File-tailoring (LST mode) panel
IVP  -  File Tailoring (LST Mode)  - XRF     ROW 1 OF 17 of 369
COMMAND ===>                                     SCROLL ===> PAGE

Action Codes :  All brM brS Doc Edm eNt Ftl
     Member..    Skeleton      Step       
!  IV4A001T   IVPA001T   A0    NOTE   - Step Introduction-Dialog Set-up
*  IV4A301N   DFSIXSA4   A3    CLIST  - Offline Formatted Dump - IVP1/2/3/4
*  IV4A302N   DFSIXSA5   A3    CLIST  - Offline Dump Formatter - BATCH
*  IV4A303N   DFSIXSA6   A3    CNTRL  - MSDB Load Cntrl Stmts - DBFSAMD1/DBFSA
!  IV4C001T   IVPC001T   C0    NOTE   - Step Introduction - System Definition
*  IV4C101J   DFSIXSC0   C1    JOB    - Alloc SYSDEF Data Sets
*  IV4C201T   DFSIXSC1   C2    TASK   - Browse the STAGE1 Source Deck
*  IV4C202J   DFSIXSC2   C2    JOB    - Run SYSDEF Preprocessor
*  IV4C203J   DFSIXSC3   C2    JOB    - Run SYSDEF STAGE1
*  IV4C301J   DFSIXSC4   C3    JOB    - Run SYSDEF STAGE2     >>> SEE DESCRIPT
*  IV4C401J   DFSIXSC5   C4    JOB    - Run SMP/E JCLIN
!  IV4C405T   IVPC405T   C4    TASK   - Edit IMS PROCLIB Members
!  IV4D001T   IVPD001T   D0    NOTE   - Step Introduction -  and VTAM Interf
*  IV4D101T   DFSIXSD0   D1    XMPL   - Allocate Interface Data Sets
*  IV4D201T   DFSIXSD1   D2    XMPL   - Update JESx Procedure
*  IV4D202T   DFSIXSD2   D2    XMPL   - Update BLSCECTX - DFSOFMD0 / DXRRLM50
*  IV4D203T   DFSIXSD3   D2    XMPL   - Udpate IEAAPFxx or PROGxx - Authorized

If you scroll towards the bottom of the list, you can see file-tailoring items that belong to the Z series of steps. These are INDEX entries. The Z1 items are members of SDFSSLIB (file-tailoring skeletons), which are embedded by the earlier items. The Z2 items are members of SDFSISRC (DBDs, PSBs, MFSs, PGMs, for example). Use the BRS action to browse these members.

Special characters are used in the action field as described below:
Indicates that an item was added to the table (due to service). You can remove the indicator by running the table-merge process again.
Indicates that the item was processed by either the ALL action or the FTL action.

Try the ENT action for the first item. You must type ENT (or N) into the action field next to the item you want to select. The command line cannot be used for action commands on LST mode panels.

Press Enter to switch modes.

File-tailoring—ENT mode

The follow table shows the ENT mode panel that corresponds to the item you selected on the LST mode panel.

Figure 2. File-tailoring (ENT mode) panel
IVP      File Tailoring(ENT Mode) - XRF      IMS 15.2.1  ROW 1 OF 22
COMMAND ===>                                     SCROLL ===> CSR
DFSIX001: DFSIXX09 - "ENT" action complete
Action......> DOC  <----- All brM brS Doc Edm Ftl Lst Nxt Prv
Member......: IV4A001T
Skeleton....: IVPA001T
Step........: A0
Title.......: NOTE - Step Introduction - Dialog Set-up
o Item Type:

  NOTE - Information only

o Action Required:

  Read the description below.

  Use the "NXT" action to proceed to the next item.

o Description:

  The items within the "Ax" series of steps are used to perform
  initialization for the IVP Dialog.  There are no user
  executable JOBs within these steps.  Please skip to the first
  item for Step C0 (This is the default starting position for
  the Execution Phase of the IVP Dialog).

The only additional information provided by ENT Mode is the scrollable item description. Except for the INDEX items, these descriptions are intended for the execution phase and have no meaning for the file-tailoring phase.

The NXT and PRV actions can be used to view all the items in the file-tailoring table.

Use the DOC action to print a copy of the online help. Type DOC into the action field and press Enter.

File-tailoring—DOC action

The following table depicts the DOC action panel for the file-tailoring phase.

Figure 3. File-tailoring (DOC action) panel
IVP       JOB/TASK/INDEX Documentation - XRF     IMS 15.2.1

  Select (1 or 2) the type of output and press Enter.
  1 - LST Mode equivalent containing names and titles
  2 - ENT Mode equivalent containing full descriptions

  Select (/) the types of JOBs/TASKs to be documented:
   SETUP  - IVP Preparation (CLISTs, Control statements)
   IVP        - IMS System Definition
   IVP        - /VTAM Interface
   IVP        - IVP System and Application Build
   IVP        - IVP Execution
   INDEX  - DFSSLIB (IMBEDs) and DFSISRC members

   NOTE:  Output will be printed to the ISPF List data set.
   Maximum output (for XRF/ISD) is about 3K lines for Type 1
   and 22K lines for Type 2.
In this panel, select the type of output listing you want:
  1. LST mode equivalent
  2. ENT mode equivalent
Then select which items you want to print and press Enter. The requested documentation prints to the ISPF LIST data set.

Even though the DOC action is entered against a single item, the resulting documentation is for all the selected types of items.

You can print the documentation for jobs and tasks during either the file-tailoring phase or the execution phase. The documentation for index items prints only from the file-tailoring phase.

For the example in the file-tailoring (DOC action) panel, no documentation is printed. Press End twice to return to LST mode and then press END again to exit from the file-tailoring phase.