Required components of a shared-queues environment
Shared-queues processing requires a number of different components.
Although you can operate many different configurations of a shared-queues environment, the
required components of shared-queues processing, shown in Figure 1, include:
- Common Queue Server (CQS)
- One CQS is required for each client, though multiple IMS systems can share a CQS. Each CQS accesses the shared queues, which reside on coupling facility list structures.
- CQS client
- One or more IMS DB/DC or DCCTL subsystems that can access the shared queues using CQS client requests.
- z/OS® coupling facility list structures
- A type of coupling facility structure that maintains the shared queues.
- z/OS system log
- One z/OS system log is used for each structure pair. CQS places recovery information about the work it has processed and about the list structure pair in the z/OS log streams. These log streams are then shared by all CQSs that access the list structure pair.
- CQS checkpoint data set
- One CQS checkpoint data set is maintained for each structure pair of each CQS. The CQS checkpoint data set contains CQS system checkpoint information.
- CQS structure recovery data sets (SRDSs)
- CQS maintains two SRDSs for each structure pair so that shared queues on the structures can be recovered. The SRDSs maintain structure checkpoint information for the shared queues.