Setting up the IMS abend
search and notification function
Use the IMS abend
search and notification function to notify personnel of abnormal termination
(abend) and to research and retrieve links to information about abends.
The abend search and notification function enables IMS to send an email or text message
to a predesignated recipient in order to:
Notify the correct people about an abnormal termination (abend)
Provide additional information about the abend
The abend search and notification function can also be used to research and retrieve links to
information about abends which include IMS product
documentation, technical notes in an IBM® technical support
database and information in the preventive service planning (PSP) database.
Restriction: The abend search and notification function triggers only for MPP or BMP dependent region abends
that involve IMS system processing. This function cannot be used to notify IMS application
To set up and enable the IMS abend
search and notification function:
Allocate and authorize the following two data sets:
A runtime data set that contains the information from the choices
made during the setup process when working with the IMS abend search and notification system setup
panel. The name of this runtime data set is included in all the JCL
jobs that are generated by the IMS abend
search and notification function. The DCB for runtime data set is
Users of the IMS abend
search and notification system setup panel need update access to the
runtime data set. All other users of the IMS abend
search and notification function need read-only access. Examples of
such users are:
Started tasks that initiate abend-event driven invocation of the
Users of the IMS abend search
and notification on-demand panels
The user ID associated with the IMS control
A skeleton data set that contains the name of the IMS abend search and notification procedure.
Access authorizations to the skeleton data set are the same as the
authorizations needed for the runtime data set. The DCB for skeleton
data set is RECFM=FB,LRECL=80.
A skeleton data set that contains the following members:
- DFSSPRCI, which specifies the name of the IMS abend search and notification procedure.
- DFSSPCLI, which specifies a JCLLIB statement that points to
where the procedure resides.
The DCB for the skeleton data set is RECFM=FB,LRECL=80.
skeleton data set must be concatenated to the ISPSLIB. Some system
environment configurations might prevent the concatenation. In that
case, name the skeleton data set hlq.IASNSLIB,
where hlq is the high-level qualifier that is used
to install IMS. After it is named,
the data set is automatically concatenated to ISPSLIB for all users
of the IMS abend search and notification
The installer of IMS abend
search and notification must therefore have RACF® ALTER authorization for the high-level
qualifier that is used to install IMS.
ALTER allows the installer to read, write, create, or delete the
data set.
Access and fill out the IMS abend
search and notification system setup ISPF panel to populate the runtime
data set and skeleton data set.
The IMS abend search and notification system setup panel
can be accessed by either of the following methods:
Select IMS abend search and
notification from the IMS Application Menu.
From the ISPF option 6, enter the following command, where hlq
is the high-level qualifier used to install IMS:
exec 'hlq.SDFSEXEC(DFSRASN0)' 'HLQ(hlq)'
The IMS Abend Search and Notification panel is
displayed, as shown in the following example figure. Figure 1. IMS Abend Search and Notification panel
IMS Abend Search and Notification IMS Version 12.1
Command ===>
Select one of the following tasks and press ENTER .
Tasks . . _ 1. IMS ASN System Setup
2. IMS ASN On-Demand Interface
To Exit this menu, press the END key.
For Help information, place cursor on any field and press PF1 .
Type 1 in the field IMS
ASN System Setup and press Enter. Here is an example of the IMS abend search and notification system setup panel:
IMS abend search and notification - system setup
Identify IMS ASN skeleton lib data set (must be concatenated to ISPSLIB):
*Skeleton lib DS __________________________________________________________
Identify the following data sets and members (must be accessible at runtime):
*Runtime DS ______________________________________________________________
*PROCLIB Mbr ________ Restore? _ *URLS Mbr ________ Restore? _
*SYSUT1 Mbr ________ Restore? _ *CONTROL Mbr ________ Restore? _
*SMS Mbr ________ Restore? _ *SMSCNTL Mbr ________ Restore? _
Identify the fully qualified name of your installation's IMS.SDFSRESL:
*IMS.SDFSRESL DSN _________________________________________________________
E-mail and Recipient Information
*Recipient e-mail address. . . ____________________________________________
Specify additional addresses? _ (Y-Yes/N-No)
SMS recipient address . . . . ____________________________________________
Specify additional SMS rcpts? _ (Y-Yes/N-No)
External Writer ID for Local SMTP ________
FROM e-mail ______________________________________________________________
SMTP server ___________________________________________________ Port _____
Use the IMS abend search and notification system
setup panel to perform the following tasks:
Name and customize the IMS abend search and notification
procedure JCL (the sample shipped in IMS.SDFSSLIB as
Name and customize one or more SYSUT1 PDS members with the email message text. You can either use the IBM-supplied SYSUT1 PDS member as is, or customize it.
Name and customize one or more CONTROL PDS members with email routing information. You can either use the IBM-supplied CONTROL PDS member as is, or customize it.
Name and customize one or more SMS PDS members with the text for the text messages. You can
either use the IBM-supplied SMS PDS member as is, or customize
Important: If you use the IBM-supplied SMS PDS
member and you are running with CSSMTP instead of Communications Server SMTP on z/OS®, you must remove the NOOP statement in the IBM-supplied SMS PDS member. The NOOP command is not supported in
Name and customize one or more SMSCNTL PDS members with the text-message routing information. You can either use the IBM-supplied SMSCNTL PDS member as is, or customize it.
Name and customize one or more URLS PDS members with the URL information to be mapped into the email and text messages. You can either use the IBM-supplied URLS PDS member as is, or customize it.
The IMS Abend Search and Notification System Setup
panel has general online help as well as field-sensitive online help. To access the online help,
place the cursor on the command line (for general help) or in an input field (for field-sensitive
help) and press F1.
For detailed information about the DFSIASN0 procedure and above PDS members, see DFSIASN0 procedure.
Specify IASNPROC= member_name in
the diagnostics section of the DFSDFxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set, where member_name is
the eight-character name of the IMS abend
search and notification procedure. This task can be performed using
the Syntax Checker or by manually inserting the output of the IMS abend search and notification
system setup panel (which resides in the DFSMSxxx member of the runtime
data set) into the DFSDFxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB
data set. For information about the DFSDFxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set, see DFSDFxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.
Copy the IMS abend
search and notification procedure, which was created and customized
through the use of the system setup panel, to a concatenated z/OS procedure library.
Provide the name of the skeleton data set to the users
of the IMS abend search and notification
on-demand interface by one of the following methods:
Concatenate the data set name in the ISPSLIB DD statement in the
logon procedures used by the TSO users
Concatenate the data set name directly by statements in the default
CLIST of those TSO users
Name the skeleton data set using the format hlq.IASNSLIB,
where hlq is the high-level qualifier that is used
to install IMS. After it is named,
the data set is automatically concatenated to ISPSLIB for all users
of the IMS abend search and notification
panel. If you perform setup a second time and use a data set name
other than hlq.IASNSLIB for the skeleton data set,
and hlq.IASNSLIB still exists, ISPF looks for the
skeleton library members in hlq.IASNSLIB before
looking in the other data set.
Provide the TSO users a program that performs the concatenation
To disable the IMS abend
search and notification function, set member_name to
blanks or a null value in the IASNPROC= parameter in the diagnostics
section of the DFSDFxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB
data set.