Loading the IMS catalog with the DFS3PU00 utility

You can perform an initial load of the IMS catalog by using the IMS Catalog Populate utility (DFS3PU00).

  • If you have not already done so, enable the IMS catalog database by generating the DBDs, PSBs, and ACBs of the IMS catalog database.
  • Define the IMS catalog HALDB master database and partitions either in the RECON data set or the IMS catalog partition definition data set.
  • Complete all DBD, PSB, and ACB generation processes for the user databases and application programs at your IMS installation.
  • For GSAM databases, you must also provide both the DBD library and the PSB library that were used to generate the members in the ACB library.
  • For logical databases, you must also provide either the DBD library that was used to generate the members in the ACB library.
The DFS3PU00 utility loads the IMS catalog by using the IMS-provided PSB DFSCPL00, which includes a PCB defined with PROCOPT=L. For example:
  //             PARM=(DLI,DFS3PU00,DFSCPL00,,,,,,,,,,,Y,N,,,,,,,,,,,,'DFSDF=001')

Running the DFS3PU00 utility with the PSB DFSCPL00 deletes any existing records in the IMS catalog.

If you are also enabling the IMS management of ACBs, which is required for IMS support for SQL DDL processing, specify the MANAGEDACBS=SETUP control statement in the SYSINP DD statement in the utility JCL.

For an example of the complete utility JCL, see the IMS Catalog Populate utility documentation.

After the IMS catalog is loaded, enable the IMS catalog by specifying CATALOG=Y in the <CATALOG> section of the DFSDFxxx member in the IMS.PROCLIB data set.

For more information about setting up an IMS catalog, see Setting up the IMS catalog.